Maybe I'll step in every now and again when I have something pertinent to say. Throw the words into the fray and then step back out again.
I wouldn't even have to become a hermit. I could just deal with my life daily. Deal with the lives of the villagers around me. Help them out when their trucks are stuck, maybe lend a hand around harvest time. I could just get around speaking pidgin. Just enough of their language to get by.
'Hi how does'
'I fine now. You are?'
Maybe after a particularly hard day of doing whatever it is I would be doing I could go down to the watering hole and get by on the grunts that pass for conversations in places where most people can barely speak their own language.
I would just ignore all this. This god we've made out of all we've made. Just let the 9-5, one-up-manship insanity behind. Focus on my writing. Focus on the people. Focus on doing something.
I fully agree. I'd love to move to some really cool city, get a small apt, and just do whatever work i find joy in, design something amazing. Scratch the typical 9-5. Too bad we're not independently wealthy eh?