
if heaven and hell decide they both are satisfied

There's a Death Cab for Cutie song that's been going through my head. Pause here for a moment. Listen to the song and read the lyrics if you're not familiar.
If you're at all a romantic the song probably puts chills up and down your spine. If however you're a bit of a realist you're probably scoffing at the naivete of the romantics.
I will at times lay claimto both those attributes so the song has me sneering while the hair on my forearms stand on end. It's a bit of a weird sensation.
It's an ode to a love that goes beyond the grave. In the failure of religion he will be the one to save his love when she goes into the night. I can not believe that I will ever be saved by a girl. It's too much pressure to put on a person. We're too messed up to put all our fears and failures onto another person. The excessive expectations have probably been the cause of many broken relationships. You enter thinking that you will be fixed, completely changed by your love. NAd then after the first week, month, year you realize that she too has problems. And then you start to look at other girls, and in the bit of mystery that each person has you read the solutions to all your problems, and so the cycle starts again.
But I want to be saved by that love, which is the root of my discomfort with this song.
So then come God the husband of the church and the answer to my question.
I've never been a fan of the idea of heaven. It's always seemed so boring, but maybe that's because I'm selfish. Now I'm all for karaoke, but I've never fancied an eternity in a choir. It just doesn't sound like that much fun. But holding to your love in the blackest of rooms doesn't actually sound that bad.
so listen again, but think instead of the lover of your soul making this claim, and somehow heaven starts to make sense.

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