The world (fear) is too much with me
The temporal aspects of the world cause fear. We don't want to lose what we have, whether it be the money in our pockets or the respect of a friend. Thus we cling tightly to what we perceive is ours. God, and his divine glory in us, is eternal. In him there is no fear because there is nothing lose, only change or movement. God is everything, so as long as we are in a relationship with God we have everything. That everything may change, but no matter what possessions or honour we may lay claim to it is all God's and will continue to be God's when we can no longer lay claim to it. Everything is available to us through God. It is no less, or more, available if it is in our hands or at the other end of the galaxy. All is God's. Thus "whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it."
The Prophet as scapegoat
All prophets, whether secular or divine, are maligned. That is the risk or speaking Truth. Lies consistently make their way to the top. Lies give gain to their creators. Lies put people over people and allow them to make claim on other people's work. Lies allow people to step on others, to lift themselves up in balloons of hot air. By speaking the truth it takes the life out of the lies that have been painstakingly built up to benefit those in power. That, however, does not necessarily convince anyone that the lies are lies. The truth must be bashed into people's skulls. It is violent and unpleasant. The prophet therefore takes the pain of society onto him or herself to make the truth known in hopes that future generations will see the lies as lies and will be able to move forward. Therefore the pain of the prophet is equal to the truth s/he speaks.
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