

All future posts will be on my Facts and Fictions blog on Tumblr.


The life you want is never as interesting as the life you lead

The life you want is never as interesting as the life you lead. The life you want is paper flat: 2 dimensional wishes for prosperity, a fiction of the future. It's been said a thousand times that fact is stranger than fiction. Because fiction requires that we understand it. It must be scaled down to fit in our heads. Fact is not restricted by the size of our understanding. It spreads out and defies the human mind to comprehend it. And still we haven't. We've looked at it through magnifying glasses and from outer space but still the intricacies escape us. The big bits too: like how to get along, and how gravity? But here and now in this magical world we do things that we can not understand for reasons we can't comprehend. The consequences will bounce down the halls of the future changing lives, perhaps even after the doer is dead and gone. The present isn't two dimensional, three dimensional or even four dimensional; for we hold multitudes of dimensions within us. Each feeling and thought colours our world and changes the way gravity works and the feeling of the grass. Reality is magical and fantasy is mundane.

Skipping (for Dad)

There's a lot to be said about skipping stones
First there's the joy of the search
You walk to the rhythm of lapping waves
The sun riding high in the sky
Accompanied by a friendly autumn breeze
Acting the part of a conductor
As he gently rustles the harvest leaves and ruffles the water
Head down, you continue
Bending down to pick up the odd rock
Stopping to fit it, just right, to your hand
Then launching it
Across the pond before it splashes to a stop
More stones defy the depths
But no skip to brag to your brothers about
You continue
Searching for the ideal stone,
That flat, circular rock that fits your hand like they grew up together,
Occasionally stooping in joy only to find the rock in question is round on the bottom
Then, finally, you find it,
The stone your hand has been dreaming of
You hold it with reverence, turning it to find the perfect fit
And when you've found it you get low to the water
And launch it over mirror still water
Watching until it meets it's reflection

And splashes below the surface
An underwater skip my Dad used to call them
You hang your head, happy no one is around
Then walk again
Skipping the odd stone
But the all pale in comparison
And the sun hangs low painting the darkening sky
And your shadow has outgrown you
The problems that seemed so pressing have faded
And you've solved most of the political problems of the day
So with a sinking heart you decide,
But what's that?
Could it be?
You push pebbles aside to pick up a damp, dark stone
And it looks good
And it feels good
You turn it in your hand
To find that perfect grip
You wind up
And get real low
But no
It feels wrong
And like a pitcher you stand straight
Pondering the object in your hand and how best to throw it
Then once again you wind up
And get low



Before it slides into the water with nary a sound
But it's just you and your smile for miles around
So you make your way back to the car
Half an eye to the ground just in case
But deep down you don't find one
And as the sun begins to set
You're satisfied with your achievements
Because in the end you're happy
And in a world of dull office interiors
Joy is a product that is underproduced

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