
Perfection curled up on the floor moaning- just throwing it out there

In bringing many sons to glory, it was fitting that God, for whom and through whom everything exists, should make the author of their salvation perfect through suffering.

Do you see her? Over there curled up in a ball crying. It's sad really, or at least that's how it looks. No one should endure such pain. But when she gets up, brushes herself off and faces that pain, when she realizes that the pain could be handled, and that it might even be worth it she will have grown. And we, we shall be over here feeling sorry for her. I think something is wrong. Maybe pain can be more beautiful than comfort.

When everything is stripped away and all you have is yourself and pain. When it's your choice, and the choice is clear. Could it be that is real life?


The near-infinite gap, the shadow (the begining of something)

Between the idea
And the reality
Between the motion
And the act
Falls the Shadow

Romans 7:15-For that which I do I allow not: for what I would, that do I not; but what I hate, that do I.

The hippies tried to conquer it. A whole generation took up arms and marched directly for it. They had it for a while, nearly a decade. They marched into The Gap yelling love and freedom. The rallied against the shadow, that near-infinite space between reality and thought, movement and action, your brain and your hands.
Look what it left us with. Not the love they were yelling about, not the freedom they espoused. Maybe we think about it more than we used to but The Gap abides. It’s there every New Year’s Eve when the country gathers `round to make resolutions.
Let’s all do it the right way this year.
But everyone knows they will fail.
It’s there when each little white boy and girl find the indifference to get over their middle class white guilt.
We give to charity. Besides theres nothing I can do about it. Even if I gave up all my stuff it wouldn’t change a thing.
We live our lives in the shadow. Testing the width of the gap. Some sit in Ivory Towers and choose to be near their ideal, never testing it against reality.
Others choose reality and are cheered for their pragamtism.
The gap is just too wide, too big to touch on both sides. It ate up Mother Teressa, Malcom X, Martin Luther King, Ghandi, and Obama.
Who are we to pit ourselves against a foe of such strength? We need some help.


The fatal wounding of our god or a juggernaut stumbles

It’s down on one knee. No one knows the how or the why. There’s still arguments about if It’s down for good. No one saw it coming. We thought it would just keep on rolling, keep snowballing. We all thought it was for good and for true. This was what we were meant for, and it was Good.
All the past Ones have fallen. Fallen when they’ve hit their limits. When they were decadent and depraved. We look back over them and thought it was not for ours. Ours was immortal, the true juggernaut. And why not? Ours had all the power we could put behind it. We had science and rational thought unlike the savages before us. And what we’re we doing wrong? We were just following our selves. We were following our god.
Sure we were still fighting, backed up by our Juggernaut. But our juggernaut was the right one. They had put up straw men. They had wrong ideas. They put limits on us and limits on themselves when everyone knows the human spirit is limitless.
We could do nothing wrong. Just have faith. We’ll pull through. It’s a Juggernaut. It can’t be stopped. What barriers have we not smashed to the ground? Slavery, inequality, monetary concerns. We had it all.
But now It’s down. What are we gonna do now. We worked so hard to craft this thing. We put our full selves into it. We reached down into the depths of out humanity and lovingly crafted the thing in our image. How could it be wrong? We couldn’t have made a mistake. It was so lovingly crafted through fire and pain, joy and love. Sure it was a work in progress but all the major cracks had been fixed, and we’re working on mending the last few. Ours was the essence of humanity.
Yet it failed. It’s shaken us. Some point to it weak hands that didn’t reach out to the poor. Or less than green thumbs. Still others point to a heart that didn’t quite care for everything. Yet others (and this is the biggest faction) point to greedy eyes which wanted to much. But surely those were small. Surely they could have been fixed with old-fashioned ingenuity. We’re working towards it. We’ll have it done soon. A tweak here and a tweak there and we’ll have it fixed in no time.
But no one knows why it stumbled, why its down on it’s knees. Could it be a deeper reason. Impossible for what’s deeper than the heart. We’ve plumbed our depths and brought it all out. Is there some fundamental design flaw, something we’ve missed? Are we not perfect? Why someone tell us so we can fix it. We need more study. Figure out the arts, find the higgs bosun. Plumb it’s depths. Someone tell us. We must know the flaw. Next time it will be bigger, better, undefeatable. Next time it will be perfect and Heaven will be ours. All we need to find is the major flaw.

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